Academic Journal
The manuscripts submitted to Gaia Academic Journal must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts submitted to Gaia for publication undergo a double-blind review process conducted by at least two international reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area.
The editors initially review submitted manuscripts to assess their suitability and compliance with Gaia author submission guidelines. Manuscripts may be rejected if the topic does not align with the scope of Gaia's publishing areas or if they are deemed low scientific or linguistic quality.
Accepted papers, following peer review, must undergo English language editing. Authors who believe their manuscripts would benefit from editing at an earlier stage may utilize our English Language Editing Services. If authors have already used an alternative editing service that provides a confirmation certificate, a copy of the certificate should be sent to the Editorial Office.

Omer-Meir-Shlomo Choen
Gaia College for Academic Sciences, Israel
© Gaia Academic Journal
Gaia College - Academy of Science & Technology
Granados 6
Jerusalem, Israel