Professors of Social Work
Professors at our universities
Who are looking for doctoral students and their fields of research
Dear Friends,
Following the high level that you present in all of our doctoral programs, a phenomenon has begun that professors turn to Gaia and ask that we find them doctoral students in their fields of research. I am happy to pass on to you the list of professors and disciplines we have received over the past few months. All of these areas of research are doctoral theses with a master’s degree as a prerequisite. Here you will find professors in various fields that are suitable for those who are looking for a doctorate in education, a doctorate in special education, a doctorate in mathematics teaching, a doctorate in business administration, a doctorate in nursing, a doctorate in psychotherapy, a doctorate in marketing ... ..more and more
At the beginning you will find the list of professors and research topics and in some cases you will also find details on each topic. We'll be happy if you go through the list and see if one of the topics speaks to you. And we'll be happy if you find errors and enlighten our eyes. In any case, I emphasize again, we are just constantly asked - these are doctoral programs without the need for a master's thesis.
If you find a field that speaks to you then you have a professor who is waiting especially for you !!! If you did not find one then challenge us and let us turn the world around for you - history shows that there is a reasonable chance that we will indeed succeed !!!
Geo Ariel Fox, Founder and CEO
Gaia - a world of academia
Areas of research
Part One - Research Topics in the Natural Sciences
Part Two - Research Topics in Education
Part Three - Research Topics in the Fields of Psychotherapy and Therapy
Part Four - Research Topics in Management, Economics and Marketing
Part Five - Research Topics in the Humanities and Social Sciences
(Coming soon) Part Six - Research Topics in Communication Clinics
Part Seven - Research Topics in Physical Therapy (Coming Soon)
(Coming soon) Part Eight - Research topics in nursing, medicine and health management
Part Nine - Research Topics in Social Work
Part Ten - Research topics in sports and physical education
Part Eleven - Film Research Topics and Film Teaching
Part Nine - Topics for a PhD in Social Work
Prof. Alice Goyova
# Exploring the needs of ethnic minorities
# Senior citizens in the company. Strategies aimed at maintaining personal autonomy in old age
# New social risks and the possibilities for implementing modern social work methods
# Social Inclusion Practice - Software development for responsive assessment and community work planning
# Social housing - methodological and scientific support of the social agenda
#Reflections in the drug and alcohol arenas
#Effects on social-customer relationship
Prof. Sonia Kalenda
# Social workers as educators for social work
# Social workers working with homeless children
# The challenge of social work in working with vulnerable children in the digital world
# Children living in substandard life forms
# The social situation of homeless children
# Technological applications in social work
# Peso-social services provided to the elderly
Sources of hope for shelter residents
Prof. Jan Keller
#Industrial cities in a post-industrial society
# Changes in the labor market in the perspective of education
#Theory of modernization
Prof. Yelena Patersiova
#Building values in education for social work
#Philosophy and ethics in accordance with the needs of the student for the health professions and social work
# The role of emotions in making moral decisions in social work
#Xyocular perception of truth
# Biographical method - philosophical foundations and anthropological implications
Prof. Brian LittleSchild
# Domestic violence and child protection
#The risks and fears of a social fact that protects children
# Violence against social workers
# Working with conflicts in the practice of the social worker
# Quality of life of oncology patients
# Learning to work together: Interprofessional practice in providing services
Prof. Eva Marinowski abducted
#Social pedagogy and social work
# The social dimension of social work
Prof. Miriam Selena
# Family needs of children with loci
# Social work in hospitals - terms of employment and difficulties
# Chronic pediatric diseases as a field of interest for social work services
# Satisfaction with social services in the eyes of the customer
Prof. Dana Sikorova
#Grontosociology - Autonomy in old age
# Aging in the city - socio-spatial aspects of aging in the city
# Elderly - Myths and their disintegration
# From a nuclear family to an extended family
#Family solidarity to ambivalence and family negotiation
# Social integration of childless seniors
# The social role of poor old age
Prof. Peter Lazar
# Implications of neo-liberalization for social work
Prof. Cisco Pippo
# Institutional and Aspective Customs of Social Work Interventions
Prof. K. Terina Glombikova
# Community planning of social services in the periphery
#Reflexivity and emotional strategies in social work with families
#Reflexivity, self and emotions
#Responsive assessment in social work
#Building values in education for social work
# Authenticity, reflexivity and self-regulation in social work and implications for the teaching methods of the profession